Archaeological Findings

Troy Councill Homestead : The Mountain

Drawing on research by two Public History graduate students, we focused on finding the Troy Councill farm, remembered in oral histories as the home of an emancipated Black family in the mid-nineteenth century.

Students spent eight days digging shovel-test pits and excavation units across several house lots in “The Mountain” neighborhood on the northern edge of Boone.

Artifacts from this area commonly included modern plastic debris, but also coal, bottle and window glass, whiteware shards, and iron nails consistent with at least some occupation circa 1870-1930. Figure 4 to the left shows the material remains, the top image shows where coal had been found used regularly around this time period to heat homes. The bottom image to the left shows where metal and glass artifacts had been found indicating the use of the area as a homestead.

The image below shows a close up of lot 5 from the images to the left. Here is the most likely candidate for the Troy Councill homestead. This has been attested by high concentration of material culture that cooperates with evidence from oral testimonies.

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Alice Wright, from App State’s Department of Anthropology, led her Archaeological Principles class in a dig at their most recent site located at 215 North Depot Street. This site is adjacent to the previous location of a historic Chocolate Bar, which was a Junaluska social club in the 1940s and 1950s, according to the JHA.

Archaeological Findings