Junaluska Park Lesson Plan.
Junaluska Park Lesson Plan.
The following is a lesson plan a high school class session on Junaluska Park.
This class session described by this lesson plan is 1 hour and 50 minutes long and provides a historical analysis of Junaluska Park, along with discussions on the wider contexts of segregation and the Civil Rights movement. The Lesson Essential Question (LEQ) that the class will revolve around is "How did members of the Junaluska community utilize Junaluska Park and how did this contrast with racial restrictions created by the 1923 deed for the park?"
Cole Elledge.
May 7, 2024.
Dakota Wilson, Cole Elledge.
Lesson Plan.
1 hour and 50 minutes.
North Carolina Standards for American History.
Main Content Standard: AH.B.1.3 - Critique multiple perspectives of American identity in terms of oppression, stereotypes, diversity, inclusion, and exclusion.
Supporting Content Standard: AH.G.1.2 - Explain how geographic conditions and expansion have presented both opportunities and challenges in the development in America.
Inquiry Standards: I.1.1 - Compelling Questions (Identify issues and problems and social studies and formulate questions based upon disciplinary concepts).; I.1.2 - Supporting Questions (Identify related issues and problems related to the compelling question and formulate supporting questions).
Supporting Content Standard: AH.G.1.2 - Explain how geographic conditions and expansion have presented both opportunities and challenges in the development in America.
Inquiry Standards: I.1.1 - Compelling Questions (Identify issues and problems and social studies and formulate questions based upon disciplinary concepts).; I.1.2 - Supporting Questions (Identify related issues and problems related to the compelling question and formulate supporting questions).
Printed copies of the 1923 deed to Junaluska Park, printed copies of the Watauga Democrat articles “‘Thrill’ helps Junaluska group” and “‘Thrill in the Hill’ features a Saturday full of music," copies of Junaluska: Oral Histories of a Black Appalachian Community, and extra paper and writing utensils to be provided to students as needed.
Cole Elledge., “Junaluska Park Lesson Plan.,” Junaluska Heritage Association, accessed September 12, 2024, https://junaluskaheritage.org/document/117.